live life well


Brain Health and Resistance Training

Brain Health and Resistance Training

Here is an article I read and wanted to share with you.  The bands you use with your IPP provide resistance training for you! Resistance Exercise Reduces Cognitive Decline May 2017 By Will Brink When we think of the benefits of exercise, we tend to think of its

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Saying Good-bye to Our Handsome Ole Lab, Drake

Saying Good-bye to Our Handsome Ole Lab, Drake

Our floors will have a little less doggie hair on them, our grocery bill will be a little cheaper, our tennis balls will not chewed up, the deer and the rabbits will be a little safer, and our house will be little quieter. That is because we

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Here is One Way to Protect Your Mental Wellness

Here is One Way to Protect Your Mental Wellness

I have been in such an organizational mood lately. I don’t know if it’s the warm summer-like weather we have been having in February or maybe just the fact that the lack of it was driving me crazy. As I was cleaning out drawers and getting rid

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