live life well

Cancer prevention

Meet the Face of Fitness

Meet the Face of Fitness

Posted: Tuesday, November 8, 2016 4:23 pm | Updated: 4:29 pm, Tue Nov 8, 2016. Linda Stollings As we age our priorities change in many areas of our lives. Things just seem to become a little clearer, thank goodness! Those trivial things that used to be important

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Withholding Forgiveness Can Be Toxic to Your Health

Withholding Forgiveness Can Be Toxic to Your Health

Posted: Tuesday, October 4, 2016 2:58 pm | Updated: 4:00 pm, Tue Oct 4, 2016. Linda Stollings I truly believe that if you live long enough you will be given multiple opportunities to forgive many people in your life. As the years have passed, there have been

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Nutrition Labels Are Changing, Thank Goodness!!!

Nutrition Labels Are Changing, Thank Goodness!!!

Posted: Wednesday, September 28, 2016 9:35 am Linda Stollings When I pass people in the grocery store their eyes quickly drift down to my shopping cart to check out my food choices. I’m quite sure they are curious to see if I practice what I preach —

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