live life well

Mindful Eating

Mindful Eating

Most people take 10 or 15 minutes to eat a meal, but it takes 20 minutes for signals to get up to your brain to let you know that you’re full.  Extend your meal time by chewing more thoroughly.  That way you’ll get that full feeling that can help you control your  overall intake.  

Also eat mindfully (research show that mindless eating can cause unwanted weight gain). Here are tips on eating mindfully
  1. sit down and eat, do not stand
  2. clean all clutter off your table
  3. turn off your laptop and silence your cell phone
  4.  Use your attractive dishes and utensils
  5. Turn on some nice music that you associate with relaxing
  6. light a scented candle that will stimulate your sense and get them ready for tasty foods.
  7. enjoy

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