live life well

Looking back and moving forward, the key to wellness

Looking back and moving forward, the key to wellness

Posted: Monday, January 4, 2016 10:54 am

Take a moment to reflect back on 2015 and ask yourself this question: What did the last 12 months teach me? You may have had a great year full of joy and happiness, or you may have had a tough year filled with loss and loneliness.

Regardless of the type of year you experienced, I truly believe we can all learn from and past and take those lessons and move forward into a new year. It’s quite possible that you can use your experiences to help someone else. For example, if you were blessed financially then you can certainly use that to help someone else. If you suffered loss in some form then you can use your experience to help someone else going through a similar situation. I think helping others is such a valuable and necessary part of life, we all need each other in so many ways.

We had an interesting 2015, with some unexpected challenges, but so thankful for family and friends that came along beside us, prayed for us, and encouraged us on our journey. A lot of life lessons were learned along the way. I think when we go through challenging times our true friends rise to the top like sweet cream. Investing in friendships is truly a privilege.

A big part of being well, is emotional. You can eat clean, exercise like crazy but if you are an emotional wreck then you are missing a big piece of the holistic wellness puzzle. Of course, being physically active sure does help relieve stress and thus helps improve emotional wellness.

Perhaps in 2016 one of your resolutions can be to work on emotional wellness. If your goal is to lose weight (the number one resolution every year) then think holistically. Add emotional wellness into your goals.

Following are some suggestions that might help you achieve your 2016 emotional wellness goals. Let me emphasize that these are just suggestions from me, not from a licensed psychologist or counselor. I would highly recommend that you make an appointment to see a professional if you are struggling in this area.

>> Set Boundaries: At times we must set boundaries to protect our emotions. If there is a situation that causes undo stress in your life and you can legitimately set a boundary for that situation then do so.

>> Rome was not built in a day: I always get in trouble when I push too hard and try to make things happen too quickly. Do not underestimate how long it might take to complete a project. Anticipate road blocks and then maybe you will be pleasantly surprised if it happens sooner.

>> This too shall pass: If you are in a challenging season of your life (and who isn’t at some point) know that things will look differently over time. The hurt may still be there, but your ability to cope will change.

>> God is faithful: I have to remind myself of this each day. If we could see all the answers then we would not need faith. Trusting the one that has the answers can be freeing.

>> Choose friends that inspire you: Share that inspiration with others that you come in contact with. Be a friend to others and give your gifts away.

>> Exercise for sure! Exercise signals the body to release endorphins (a hormone that makes us feel better), relieves stress, combats depression and can also be a form of social wellness when you do it with friends.

>> Eat clean: Eating whole foods and foods that provide nutrients, instead of empty calories, play a vital role in emotional wellness. When we feel good physically then we can cope with outside emotional stressors in a more positive manner.

Healthy New Year to each of you!!

See you the gym!

Linda Stollings is owner of fitPrescriptions, a Corporate Wellness Health Coaching Company. Email her at

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